Ministry of Forests and Range BCeID Registration Process

What is BCeID?

BCeID is an online service that makes it possible for you to use your Login ID and password to sign in securely to any BCeID participating British Columbia Government internet site.

With a BCeID you can...

Register once and have access to government participating sites using your BCeID.
Have a single password so you don't have to remember a different Login and password at every participating government internet site.

How does this affect getting access to the Ministry of Forests and Range applications?

You will need a Business BCeID account to access ECAS, RESULTS and other Ministry of Forests and Range online services. You cannot use a Basic BCeID (self-issued) account.

Clients wishing to get access to MOFR applications must register for a Business BCeID account by following the BCeID Registration process.  Business BCeIDs are required to access MOFR applications.

To check and see if your organization is already registered with the BCeID service click here.

Requests for access to specific applications within the suite of Electronic Forest Management (e-FM) applications are described at Requesting Access to Electronic Forest Management (e-FM) Applications.

For more information on accessing the Ministry of Forests and Range applications, please go to the e-FM website.