FSP Newsletters and Communiqués

The following documents provide information about FSP, e.g. release notes, upcoming release and training schedules and changes to policies and procedures.

Newsletter #8 - December 6th, 2012 Newsletter #8: There are 4 items in this newsletter, first the FSP Tracking System moving to Resource Practices Branch, second FSPTS support contract is continued for another year, and an update given the last newsletter was back in the spring of 2011, possible future enhancement options for your review and comments.
Newsletter #7 - April 26th, 2011 Newsletter #7: There are 2 items in this newsletter, first a bit on the FSPTS support contract, and second a BIG update on FSPTS extensions capability.
Newsletter #6 - February 9th, 2011 Newsletter #6: This issue is short one and is mainly about reminders.... Don’t forget about the FSPTS support contractor and there is also a reminder about FSP extensions and how we are processing them.